Monday, August 16, 2010

Daddy and His Girls

During our boat ride on the Nile with our friends last week, I snapped these pictures of my husband with each of our girls.I don't think there is anything that makes me as happy as seeing this man with these kids.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Better Late than Never? Or Not?


Just when I promised myself I would get better about posting here... Kaboom, I stop doing it. ha.

Last week we've had friends visiting us which has been awesome. They are the kind of people its ok to just hang out in your pajamas with, so how do you  not love that? Plus, they have two of the top five sweetest kids I've met. Yes, we did have 5 children and 4 adults in our flat for 6 days... but it was great fun.

We visited the pyramids...

We played wii and read stories...

We rode a faluka on the Nile:

We ate a lot of yummy food, did a lot of souvenir shopping and hung out in our pajamas a lot.

It was a happy week.