Last night we bought "big girl panties" for Sophie. She's the youngest I've ever decided to start potty training, but when a kid can say "potty", its time. Plus, I figure that if I am going to the potty all.the.time. thank-you little precious baby-head grinding on my bladder, it will be easier to take Sophie all.the.time. Am I right? Maybe...
Hour 1: We got dressed, wearing big girl panties. After I got her pants on her, she got an extra pair of panties and put them on over her pants. "More padding between her and the floor," and roll with it.
We ate breakfast and immediately after, I took her to the bathroom. Too late already! We talked about it. Then we watched Emily and Savannah and Mommy go potty. Then it was Sophie's turn. She sat on the potty. Played with the toilet paper. Then she peed! We were so excited! We cheered, we gave high-fives....
I became optimistic. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
Hour 2: Let me just sum by saying... it was that bad. Every time I put a clean pair of panties on her, she peed in them. Then she pooped. And by this time, I was out of clean pants to put on her. So, in the interest of my sanity and the older girls education, we put on a diaper.
Perhaps age 2.5 is a better age... perhaps when I'm not in the middle of school... or eight months pregnant... or am I throwing in the towel too quickly?
I have never been interested in using those diapers that are cloth with snaps and come in bright colors... like this:

However, would this be a good training panty? As long as they weren't too absorbent, but didn't get messes all over clothes. I can't go through 6 outfits in a hour every hour!
Hour 1: We got dressed, wearing big girl panties. After I got her pants on her, she got an extra pair of panties and put them on over her pants. "More padding between her and the floor," and roll with it.
We ate breakfast and immediately after, I took her to the bathroom. Too late already! We talked about it. Then we watched Emily and Savannah and Mommy go potty. Then it was Sophie's turn. She sat on the potty. Played with the toilet paper. Then she peed! We were so excited! We cheered, we gave high-fives....
I became optimistic. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
Hour 2: Let me just sum by saying... it was that bad. Every time I put a clean pair of panties on her, she peed in them. Then she pooped. And by this time, I was out of clean pants to put on her. So, in the interest of my sanity and the older girls education, we put on a diaper.
Perhaps age 2.5 is a better age... perhaps when I'm not in the middle of school... or eight months pregnant... or am I throwing in the towel too quickly?
I have never been interested in using those diapers that are cloth with snaps and come in bright colors... like this:

However, would this be a good training panty? As long as they weren't too absorbent, but didn't get messes all over clothes. I can't go through 6 outfits in a hour every hour!
That's what I am using on Shelby now for potty training while at home. Her "big girl panties" with her cloth diaper covers on top to protect the pants she has on (I used pocket diapers so I just don't stuff them at this point) but she is 2.5 so who knows! (Daycare has her in just her big girl panties ~ but she goes through a minimal of 1 outfit a day there just in the half-day she is there.
ReplyDeleteBoy does this sound familiar! I tried potty training a 20-month old in Bolivia for a month. Some days were better than others. And some days I just had to resort to diapers again for my own sanity. :) I'm all for waiting until they're ready - especially with your circumstances in life! :)