Saturday, March 31, 2012

8 Weeks

Baby Benjamin turned 8 weeks old yesterday.

(Sure do love this little smirk)

Today I was trying to shop in Target, but Benjamin was fussing, so I was carrying him in one arm and pulling the cart behind me. He was unhappy lying on my shoulder so I slid him down to carry him like a football. He immediately started smiling and cooing at me... I'm sure I looked like an idiot, walking through Target smiling and talking to this tiny person in my arms.

But if having four children has taught me anything, it is that they do not stay this small forever and moments like this are quickly gone. And every little happy moment I have with him makes those fussy moments not seem quite as frustrating.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Meet the Crazy

While I was doing school with Emily this morning, this is what Sophie was happily and quietly doing....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sweet Siblings

These are today's Daily Photo and it was too cute not to share, even though I've already posted today.

All throughout my pregnancy with Benjamin, I worried that if any of my children were to ever be jealous of a new baby, Sophie would be the child.

Much to my surprise and delight... Sophie just sees him as another person to love. And love him she does.

Tonight, she laid down in my bed and wanted him right next to her. She insisted that the blanket be over both of them and that they were both on the pillow. Then she asked me to sing "Lullaby." She laid there for 10 minutes (that's a long time for a busy 2-year-old) and snuggled sweetly with him.

When she sees him for the first time after he wakes up from a nap, she shouts, "Min-Min!" And she will kiss every part of him that is within her reach.

Watching her love him is one of the sweetest things.

Last Weekend

I have a couple of catch-up posts before I can return to my daily photo posts. Last weekend, before the Week of Doctors, the kids and I drove up to see my parents and my sister and her husband met us there.

 My brother, Jonathan, dressed Emily up like a cowgirl.

 Benjamin got to meet Aunt Leigh! He liked her a lot!

 He also met Uncle Mike and hung out with him for awhile.

The morning we left, I got everyone together for a quick picture.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Week of Doctors

Saturday night was rough. Benjamin was very fussy  and not sleeping well. Around 2 am I gave him a little Tylenol because I suspected a fever. Finally around 5 am, he fell asleep.
When we woke up, around 11 Sunday morning, it felt as though he still had a low grade fever. Brian and I decided that it would be best if I took Benjamin in to Urgent Care. I have never had an infant this small have a fever, so I assumed they would check his ears, lungs and throat, tell me he had the same cold his sisters had, write a prescription for antibiotics and send me home.

The Urgent Care that popped up on Google that was closest to my house, turned out to be an Emergency Room and they suggested that it would be cheaper for me to take him to an actual Urgent Care.
    Urgent Care took one look, asked his age, and sent me to the Emergency Room. Before I left, I asked them to take his temperature. It was 101.4 F. Apparently, that is great cause for concern at this age.

The Emergency Room was practically empty when we arrived. We were quickly processed from the waiting room to triage, where they gave Benjamin some Tylenol for his fever. Then back to a room where they informed me that because of his age, they would do a full Septic Work-up. I had no idea how miserable that would be.

A Septic Work-up includes a blood and urine cultures, a snot test, and a Lumbar Puncture. They tried to get an IV in his foot... and then his hand... finally, they just got blood from his hand and gave up on putting the IV in.

I was so tired, I had no reserves to pull from and I cried as much as he did. I typically do not cry in front of strangers, so I was incredibly embarrassed and kept saying, "I'm so sorry. I don't usually cry like this." The nurses kept reassuring me that all mother's cried during this.

After the Septic Work-up, they moved us to another room where they informed me that I would be waiting on blood and urine cultures to be read at 24 and 48 hours and they were admitting us to the hospital. Around 5:30pm a special nurse from pediatrics was brought down to put in the IV so they could start antibiotics. This nurse was very sweet and inserted the IV into his little scalp. This was the least traumatic thing that happened that night, even though it sounds and looked so sad on my little guy.

About an hour later, we were put in a room in the pediatrics section of the hospital to wait on the blood and urine cultures to be developed and read.

Sometime during the night, his fever broke and by noon the next day, I could tell the antibiotics had helped. He was more responsive and smiled at me again. His eyes were not as "sick" looking and he was eating much better then he had on Sunday. All of the tests came back as normal.

We were due for the cultures to be read around 5 pm and I requested that if everything looked good that we be allowed to go home and that they could call me with the results from the 48 hour reading. The doctor told me, "No."

Sitting in the hospital is very lonely. It made for some amazing snuggle time with my little guy, but it is very lonely and I was missing the girls and Brian so much.

About 5 minutes later, the nurse came in and handed me a phone to talk with the doctor. Apparently, the blood and urine cultures had never made it to the lab. I was sitting in the hospital waiting for labs that didn't exist. The doctor and I talked for about 20 minutes and we finally agreed that Benjamin and I could go home that night as long as I would follow-up with Benjamin's pediatrician the next day. That was a happy moment.

On Tuesday, Benjamin, Savannah and I visited the pediatrician. She was much more positive than the doctor from Monday and agreed with my assessment that Benjamin had a variant of the girl's cold that manifested itself as a fever because he was so little. He was given a check-up and we were sent home. I was given instructions to call them first, should anything else develop, but that it was unlikely that it would.

On Wednesday, I had my 6-week postpartum visit with my OBGYN. Everything checked out, however, there was a lump that was sensitive to touch underneath my incision area from the c-section. My doctor ordered an ultrasound and sent me home with antibiotics.

On Thursday (today), I had the ultrasound. By the time we had it, the lump seemed smaller to me and the ultrasound technician seemed a little unsure as to why I was there. That, my friends, was the reaction I was hoping for. Otherwise, I would have been back to the doctors tomorrow. My doctor looked at the ultrasound pictures and called to say he believed it was a post op seroma and that the antibiotics should knock it out.

That is a lot of time spent in hospitals and doctor's offices. I am very happy that it seems to be over for awhile. I am very grateful for the nurses and technicians and doctor's that I dealt with all week. For the time spent, all the people I dealt with were friendly and helpful, knowledgeable and professional.

But, oh please, let it be enough for awhile! Besides, I need to clean my house and get back to my picture posts!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

School Days

Don't be impressed.... this was right before the school day went South. It seemed like such a homeschoolery thing to do. You know, math outside in the sun.

But that was before little sister followed suit with her math book and then littlest sister had to have her own paper and pencil and chaos followed.

Then we had to move back inside to the table... and that didn't make my little people very happy.

Happily, we have a new day tomorrow.  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mowing with Daddy

Yesterday when Brian was talking about his plans for this afternoon, he mentioned mowing the grass. Which, after living in a flat in the desert for the past 1.5 years, we had to explain to both Emily and Savannah. Savannah then exclaimed, "No! Don't chop down our grass!" Well, honey, this is what people who live in houses with grass have to do! 

When I looked out the kitchen window this afternoon, this is what I saw. Brian said she was wearing her helmet "just in case."

Friday, March 2, 2012

Books and Food

Books and food are two things that are important in our family. Those things just happen to be reflected in today's photographs. Brian had some free time this afternoon, so we went out to the library...

And then ate an early dinner at Freebirds!

We also walked around The Great Indoors... just looking at all the lovely things and dreaming about our Someday House. One of my favorite things was looking at the rugs - the patterns and colors of all the different rugs were beautiful. I enjoyed talking with Brian about colors and patterns to go with our couches that are still stacked up in our storage room.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Series

In effort to blog and take pictures more regularly, I'm starting a new series. My goal is to take and post one picture of something from the day, every day. A picture that speaks of the day and shares a moment with you!

I have no name for this series, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Today's picture is of my first outing with all four children - alone! Mmmm hmmmm. It went rather well, surprisingly. And I know, chances are, on subsequent outings I will probably deal with unpleasant bodily functions in unhappy places, uncomfortable nursing situations, unruly children, and unhappy strangers. But today? Today was exceptionally free from all of those. I'll take the win.

I expect to hear crazy comments from strangers about how full my hands are... but the only person who commented was the checker, who strongly urged me to have another boy. I told her I was planning on loving the four I had for awhile. But she again, urged me to procreate again so that Baby Benjamin would have a brother.