Friday, April 13, 2012

7 Quick Takes

7 Quick Takes for today to catch you up on the last couple of weeks...

I just read a blog post from a food blog where every time the woman used the words cream, milk, butter or meat, she also said, parentheses hers, (from grass-fed cows). Every. Single. Time. You can't make this up. At some point, I'm going to write a post about I how I really feel about this.

We visited my parents a couple of weeks ago and happened to be there on my brother's 21st birthday! The girls went outside and drew balloons and confetti all over the driveway for a "surprise party." It was really cute.

We attended a community egg hunt with some friends. I only got to watch Sophie gather eggs, because the kids were segregated by age for the egg hunt. When her bag was full, but there were still many, many eggs on the ground, the lady in charge sent me in for another bag. And I went, 'cause, hello! Free candy!

We also hung out with Brian's family for Easter weekend. Brian's mother put together an egg hunt for the grown-ups... the prizes? Chores and money! She divided up the before and after dinner chores, wrote them on slips of paper and inserted them into some of the eggs. Sadly, my sister-in-law, who typically does the majority of the clean-up, got no money. Karma is not just.

Baby Brother got some pictures taken on Easter. He was nine weeks old!

I think this sums up the egg hunt happiness!

I've tried to post about this several times, but the thoughts and feelings in my head are not coming out as I mean it too. So instead of posting this huge thing with thoughts and feelings and explanations. Here it is:
Savannah was accepted into a charter school for the coming fall. We applied for Emily as well, but there were only 11 spots available for 2nd grade and she was number 203 on the list. Should we decide to follow this path for the school year of 2013, Emily should be accepted because of having a sibling enrolled in the school.

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