Tuesday, July 17, 2012

From There to Here

When we returned from Egypt, we had some sweet friends who let us stay in their home temporarily. But the time was coming that they needed the house back and we needed to find a place to call home. Our last job had some wonderful perks, but pay wasn’t one of them, so we came home with nothing in the bank and a pay history that was too small for a lender to consider lending us money for a home. 

We could rent an apartment or house, but then we would be dumping tons of money into someone else’s pocket, leaving us unable to save towards a down payment. At the seemingly last moment, a local oilfield company donated a trailer to us and a spot to put it opened up in the right area of town. We are incredibly grateful for a place to call home and the low rent so we can save towards our Someday House. Our goal was to be near the school where Savannah is enrolled and to have a home that we can have friends and family comfortably come visit. One out of two isn’t bad?

If I were a great blogger, I would have taken pictures of the move. The moving truck. Emily walking Benjamin around in the wagon while he slept in the heat. The stacks of boxes. Savannah carrying boxes like a trooper. But I was too busy. And blogging was not at the top of my to-do list.

There was a week of lag time between the placing of the trailer and when the electricity was turned on. So the kids and I went to visit my parents and sister for a week. I cannot say enough about the hard work Brian put in that week and the several days after we got home. It is about 880 square feet that all 6 of us are living in and he has done his best to make the most of it. I’ve been impressed over and over by his creative ideas and the things he has bought and built. Ikea has become our go-to store for space saving items and inspiration. Inch by inch, this trailer is becoming our home.


A couple of weeks has past since I wrote the first few paragraphs. In the meantime, we've eaten some good food, visited a couple of Museums, I've baked a lot of bread in my bread maker, met some new friends and spent a lot of time with other friends.

But, I miss blogging, so I’ll post this for tonight and plan on taking some pictures soon to wow you with my husband’s handy building skills. It’s impressive, let me tell you!

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