Friday, July 30, 2010


Our internet has been down for 8 days... finally, yesterday, the technician came and replaced our modem! It was a mixture of good and bad, actually. I missed being in contact with people. But at the same time, it was a nice reprieve from all things internet. And that had its high points!

Life here continues. Everything is becoming familiar and we are settling in to our routines... its nice.

Savannah is bitten by the "school" bug. Last night she was so frustrated because she couldn't write anyone's name without help... So I promised her we would start learning her letters soon.

Emily has started talking about going to college. Yes. College. Several times she has come to us and asked when she could go to college and that she was ready to go. Sad.

Yesterday morning we went to have physicals done so that Brian and I can get our driver's license. More for identification purposes than actual driving... so that we have a form of id rather than carrying our passports around with us. Anyway, the physician basically listened to our heart beat... and our lungs and then signed off on us. Basically, if you are breathing and your heart is beating... you can drive here! Hmmm...

Anyway, he also told me that I "should just let Mister Brian do the driving." He said that women didn't have the skills to drive here and it would take me at least a year to get skills required to drive here... humph.

Today we were in the bathroom and Emily asked me:
"Mommy, is the story of Adam and Eve true?"
"Yes, honey, it is true."
"Well, part of it might be true... but snakes can't talk. So that part isn't true."

At least critical thinking skills will come in handy when she goes to college.

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