Friday, August 31, 2012

Emily's First Day of School

I asked her what she wanted to wear for her first day of school... and her Lorax shirt was what she chose.  Little sister had to get in on the morning pictures. 

This was her serious pose. 

And she wanted to do a crazy picture. 

And she wanted pictures with baby Benjamin. 

Emily is a very sweet big sister.

Our first day was very busy. It isn't easy running drop-off and pick-up for one school schedule and educating another at the same time. I don't recommend it as a life strategy. However, it is where I am and we are going to make the best of it. But the first day made me ready for summer.

However, due to the crazy-business of life, we finished Day Three before I could post and now I can tell you that while it is not my ideal situation, it works. That counts as a win, to me!

Since we drop Savannah off so early, we can come home and jump right into school. Benjamin takes a nap because he was awakened so early and Sophie plays happily. By the time nap time and happy play time is over, Emily can work independently and I am free to help her when I need to and take care of the little ones.

One day at a time. 

But I'm happy for a three day weekend! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

'Twas the Night Before the First Day of Home School

We start Emily's first day of third grade tomorrow.

Third Grade.

How is this even possible? My little almost eight-year-old. Third Grade. 

Today I've been buying folders and printing lesson plans and putting books in order. And thinking.

I'm a concrete person. Homeschooling teaches you things about yourself. And I've recently been given the word for what I am. Concrete. I've known this. I've seen it. But it comes out particularly in home schooling. I like lessons plans that are already made. I want to choose the what, but the how I need spelled out for me. If I do not have step-by-step directions and you just hand the book to me - I get overwhelmed. But step-by-step? I can do that. 

Charter School for Savannah.
Home School for Emily.

I've been reading a new book, Going Public, recommended by a friend. I'm going to write its own post, but for now, I'll just say that it challenges and inspires me.

I believe that Harmony is where Savannah is supposed to be. Without a shadow of a doubt.

But when I sat today at the table, planning Emily's third grade year, looking at astronomy and art books, I was sad a little. Sad at the moments of frustration during math that Savannah will miss with me. The messes we won't make during astronomy and art.

But, in the place of frustration and messes, we have new conversations. We talk about her teacher and her new friends and music and computer class. And that is really how life does, ya know, new conversations. Because when you have only the same conversations, there is no growth. No change. No possibilities. No room for miracles.

I am excited about this opportunity with Emily. I have time for extra subjects like art because I'm only schooling one child. This is a fun age to teach because she is thinking and talking at such a new level than the previous years.

We started piano lessons last night. She also made tuna salad for the first time with minimal help from me. I'm using Veritas Press again this year where we will study Greece and Rome. Substituting Math-U-See for Saxon. And adding astronomy and art.

For her First Day of School dinner, she requested lamb and fatoush, with Death By Chocolate for dessert. Brian suggested we go eat at a middle eastern restaurant here in town instead of cooking ourselves and since I'm starting school with Emily and dropping off and picking up Savannah, along with caring for Sophie and Benjamin, I was happy to agree. I'll make the dessert and we will eat it when we come home.

These are exciting times.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Morning Genius

Genius doesn't happen every day of the week... and typically not at all on a Monday morning. Today, when I saw a LaLaLoopsy doll on the floor next to the dollhouse potty, I had an idea.

I was reading in my potty training book on Friday in the pick-up line, about gently making going potty your kids idea. So, I've started asking Sophie if the Lala Loopsy needs to go potty. And then when we take LaLa Loopsy potty, we take Sophie potty too.

I'm not going to pretend that this works every time, I just figure I'll spare you pictures of the puddles when LaLa Loopsy potty needs aren't as frequent as Sophie's needs.

You're welcome. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Quick Takes Friday

Its Friday again!

Earlier this week we visited Sam's Club, Sophie latched onto a zoo animal back pack and was quite content sitting in the cart, holding various items.

    Our next stop was a resale shop to find some jeans for Savannah. She has "School Spirit Fridays" where she can wear the School Spirit shirt and jeans. Last years jeans were too small.  While we were there, we looked at shoes for Sophie. When Sophie rides her bike, she scrapes her toes where her sandals don't protect them, so she needed some tennis shoes.
     After shopping a few moments, I looked at her, and this is what she had put on herself!

    I think I've figured out the magic of the school pick-up line. Go early enough to wait on school property and bring a book. I'd rather do the waiting before Savannah is out of school, then make her sit in the gym and wait while I sit in line. Much nicer and less stressful to go early. Plus, I get to read! We will see if it still work today at the same time, or if others have picked up on this strategy too.

   After dropping Savannah off yesterday, Emily, Sophie, Benjamin and I went to the Just Between Friends sale. Because I have to drop off Savannah so early, we were about 50 minutes early at the sale. So we hung out in the car. Benjamin enjoyed sitting in the driver's seat for awhile.

   This was Emily's find at the sale yesterday. Nerf guns are expensive, so I was as excited as she was. This is the Mac-Daddy of all our nerf guns and Emily sabotaged everyone in our family last night, although it seemed to me she went a little too easy on Brian.

     I have a love-hate relationship with our new schedule.
The hate:  We have to get up so, so early. No one is adjusted to this schedule yet. We eat breakfast and lunch early. Sophie has to take a nap earlier because we leave the house to pick Savannah up. Some days, she hasn't even gotten a nap. We put the kids to bed at 8 and they go right to sleep - that should probably be in the love section - but then both nights, Brian and I have crashed at 9:30, crazy early for us. Which means, we don't spend as much time together as we used to.
The love: When I drop Savannah off at about 7:50, breakfast is eaten, everyone is dressed and ready for the day. We can run errands or just go home, but it will still be early. We went to Wal-Mart and Sam's this morning and were home by 10:00 with all errands finished for the day. When I start school with Emily, this is going to be a huge love, because I will have started my day early and we will have time for school.

     Thank God its Friday! There will be pizza for dinner and no alarms in the morning!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of School

She was brave and excitedly happy all the way to school. We sang our Blessing Song to her before she got out of the car. She hugged everyone on the way out... but when the door opened and she started to get out, she began to cry. The helper helped her out and took her into the building.

I know Savannah. And I knew she would quickly get over her tears and be happy as a bug in a rug. But it was still sad.

But when I picked her up, she was happy and confident.

Me: "How was your day?" "Good!"
"Did you like your teacher?" "Yes!"
"Do you want to go again tomorrow?" "Yes!"
"Did you make a new friend?" "Yes, but I don't remember her name. I think she is from China and she is 5! Like me!"

When I asked her about lunch, she said her favorite part was the carrots and ranch dressing. I should win extra points today because there are carrots and cucumbers. 

Those of us at home miss her. Sophie asked several times during the day:
"Where 'Nannah, Mommy?" "She's at school!"
"Where Daddy, Mommy?" "He's at work!"

We had a very yummy, happy First Day of School dinner: salmon, asparagus, fresh bread, and spinach strawberry salad, with Death by Chocolate for dessert.

I'm very proud of my Savannah girl!

Several people have asked about how Emily is doing with Savannah going to school. She has been doing really well. She understands how the process worked with the school and didn't take it personally.

She was sad when Savannah got out of the car yesterday, but we've been keeping busy and I'm sure that helps. She will start school next week and that will help as well.

I asked her last week if she wanted to go to a school this year, just a different one than Savannah.
She replied: "Well, mama, if you and daddy really want me to, I will. But I'd really be more comfortable going to the same school as Savannah. I'd just feel better." So she seems happy to wait until next year and continue to be home schooled this year.

I'm excited about our school year this year. I think we are going to have a great year! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twas the Night Before the First Day of School

The girls are in bed, asleep, I guess, because I haven't heard from them in awhile. Benjamin is fighting sleep in his bed. But he is making sleepy-noises, so he will soon follow.

It is the night before Savannah's first day of school.

Clothes are laid out for all three girls, I figure everyone should get ready for the day. Savannah has her uniform folded with her shoes and socks on top.

The lunch box is open on the counter, waiting for the last few refrigerated things to be put in it with an ice pack from the freezer.

Her back pack is packed, though waiting for her lunch box.  Papers for the teacher, an extra set of clothes, a bag labeled "Snack" with a juice box and goldfish crackers.

I hope I'm not forgetting anything.

It is all new tonight and tomorrow, after that, it just becomes routine. What we do. Like every other change in our lives. Each new baby was new, until she/he became an extension of us. Egypt was new, until it became familiar. Each new house is new, until it becomes home.

Savannah and I were talking yesterday about school, about fears and making friends, about learning new things. And we were talking about how it will be new, but soon she will know where to sit at her desk and where the bathrooms are and where she eats her lunch. It is comforting, sitting on the couch, thinking about all her new experiences tomorrow, knowing that we had that talk. That she knows it won't always be new. 

I'll be sad, watching her go.
I'll be proud, knowing she is excited to go.
I'll be praying she is safe and happily making new friends.
I'll be hoping she is listening to her teacher and following instructions. 
I'll be waiting for her to come home. 
I'll be excited to hear about her day and to have our First Day of School special dinner.

Friday, August 17, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

     Benjamin suffers from 4th baby syndrome. Poor baby is not going to have many pictures to show at his High School Graduation. But here is one from last night, when he had his first rice cereal.
He was neither impressed nor pleased.

     I found this sandwich bread in the shape of goldfish! How cute is this?

    The girls were playing outside in the rain this afternoon and I looked out the window to see them sharing secrets.

    I've started doing market research surveys in my spare time. Last week, I took a survey about cork boards and at the end, they asked if I would try one out for a week and then complete another survey about how I liked it. So far, I really like it.

    Savannah, Benjamin and I went to the schools "meet the teacher" day yesterday. We got to meet her teacher, see her classroom and also buy a "school spirit" shirt. Savannah shook her hand when introduced to her teacher, Ms. G, and answered her questions without hiding behind me. I was very pleased.

    Savannah wants to take her lunch with her to school because she is worried she won't like the school lunches. Fine by me! Does anyone happen to know if the ice packs will keep lunch meat on sandwich cold enough until lunch time? Any lunch packing tips that you can share?

    I went to the Home school Book Store on Wednesday. Spent about 3 hours in there, but came out with most of what I needed for Emily. I ordered the rest except for math... which Emily said was fine with her. haha. As soon as I order math and get a couple of bookshelves, I'm ready for this School year!

Friday, August 10, 2012

7 Quick Takes: Whats Up?

What up with me? You know, just the normal, everyday things. But, its Friday, so lets talk and share pictures....

    Benjamin turned 6 months old a few days ago. This picture is, of course, when he was 5 months old. I'm a month behind, it seems.

    I love my purple bedroom. I really do. I wanted something different then I've ever done before. I usually lean towards greens or blues. Also, do you notice my bed? Brian built this bed years ago for us and we are finally using it again. Even though it is a total room hog...

      Sophie dressed herself one day...turning Emily's skirt into a dress!

    Being without a second vehicle has some (few) advantages.... I spend my days with sweet little people. And they keep finding new things to turn into toys!

     They have time for doing sweet things like reading to their brother.

      I've spent much of my car time this last week going to School Orientation with Savannah, purchasing school supplies and uniforms. I think we will get to meet her teacher and see her classroom next week. And school starts in 12 days. Crazy. She is excited.

      I've been working on finalizing Emily's 3rd grade year this past week as well. I am using Veritas Press again, but changing the math and handwriting program. I spent a couple of hours price checking on Amazon and marking prices. Early next week, I need some time at the home school book store to see how much money I can save by buying used. Then finalize my online orders. I'd really like to start the same week as Savannah does, so they can be on the same schedule. But I may be a little late ordering things for that to happen, realistically.

So that's whats up with me! Whats up with you?