Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Quick Takes: the Random Version

A random assortment of today's jumbled thoughts. Ha.

1. Multiplying Scissors
    Two weeks ago, I couldn't find a pair of scissors to save my life. Seriously. So, I went to Target (because I'm swearing off Walmart as soon as I'm out of the baby food stage) and bought a nice pair of scissors for my kitchen.
    Today, there are 4 pairs of scissors in my kitchen. Why couldn't one of them show up two weeks ago, when I needed them?

2. Halloween Approacheth
      We are going to participate in Halloween in some fashion. I'm not exactly sure how/what but we are, so Emily and I were talking about costumes today. Costumes are crazy expensive. CRaaaaaazy. So we wandered around the store, trying to think of creative, cheaper ideas. She couldn't let go of the idea of fairy wings and somehow that sparked an idea. The girls could wear their fancy Christmas dresses that they only wear once a year with some sparkly, silvery fairy wings and be... Christmas Fairies. Emily loves the idea.

3. Lunch
     Yesterday, Brian's hip was hurting so badly he decided to stay at home and sit all day, hoping that letting it rest would kick-start the feeling better process. He's been hurting since he came home from Oregon. Its been pretty bad for quite awhile. But that meant I could go have lunch with Savannah.

4. Don't Dress Like Wal-Mart
     If you absolutely MUST go to Walmart, don't dress like an employee. *sigh* Mental note to self.

5. Date Night!
     We are having a last minute date tonight! I'm excited. Our sweet babysitter agreed to even watch Benjamin-buddy. I'm happy, so happy! I'm so happy I might even do something with my hair.

6. Whole30
       Yeah. We are going to give it a go. Starting on the 22nd, so if you have done this program and have any helpful hints and recipes, please let me know!

7. Blog Post Rec
     I've been following Jamie's blog for some time and her blog post today spoke to me. She puts her finger on everything that bothers me about times when Grace is thrown about flippantly. Check her out at Fortune Cookie Faith! 

Check out Jen's blog for more Quick Takes! 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

7 Quick Takes

*post started on Friday, finished on Sunday.

1. Potty Training:
 Sophie has the tiniest bladder I've ever met. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but in the three mornings we've been wearing panties, she's only had one accident. Which is awesome. I do realize that major influence to her potty-ing is the introduction of Skittles. But as long as she actually creates matter in the toilet, I'm cool with it.

2. Personal triumph:
 For the past month I have drunk one Diet Coke a day (with the exception of two days where I drank two Diet Cokes). A couple of months ago, I poured a glass around dinner time and realized I had drunk a whole 2-liter since that morning. I decided that was a bit excessive and it was time to make a change. As soon as I finish the Diet Cokes in my 'fridge, I will be off completely on a daily, regular basis. I'm not saying I will never drink a Diet Coke again, let's not be crazy. But they won't be a daily drink. I'm both proud of myself and worried about who I am becoming. Ha. *I've since been two days without a coke. I'm insanely proud. I even asked for sweet tea at Chik-fil-a yesterday.

3. Petty Crankiness
 Brian just left to go out of town this morning and won't be back till Sunday night. I'm not excited about handling the weekend alone. Again.  I tried to tempt him into staying by offering to let him grill and we could catch up on missed episodes of Revolution. Clearly, his priorities are skewed.
    (For the record, I am 100% supportive of what he is doing this weekend, it is just hard to be the one left behind.)

4. Proving Responsible
 I got the oil changed in the van today. That counts. I also fed, clothed and educated my children today. And I'm making them play outside. After that, we will have pizza and salad for dinner and then have popcorn while we watch this weeks episode of Survivor. A happy childhood is all about balance.

5.  Pictures from the Zoo
 We went to the Zoo again last Monday. Emily's been asking to see the dinosaurs again, so we did that.

All these animals around and Sophie is picking up rocks.

My sweet girls, posing on the buffalo.

The boy and his tongue.

We saw animals, I promise. Live ones, in fact. Including a one-winged eagle.

6. Painting
 One of my survival techniques as I'm parenting alone, is the art of distraction. This weekend, we've done several painting projects.

7. Favorite picture from the weekend

The weekend is almost over. Praise be. I'm ready for Brian to be home. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Last Two Weeks

Life gets in the way of blogging, sometimes. 

Emily turned 8 years old. I do not even know how this happened.

MawMaw bought cute nightgowns with matching gowns for their baby dolls. She thought they were so cute that Savannah got a present on Emily's birthday.

We celebrated with dinner with family and then a trip to the Museum of Natural Science.

Brian started a Doctorate Program and he spent two weeks in Portland while I kept life going here at home. It was not as bad as I had thought it was going to be. Except the nights were lonely and filled with terrifying noises for the first week. After that, I was too tired to listen for noises and I just slept.

We stayed busy and our worst days were days where we weren't busy. School, a trip to the Zoo with some new friends, Awanas, school, bathes, dinners, breakfasts, Skype calls with Daddy. We did it. I'm glad its over. And we only have 3 more two week segments before its over. sigh

Benjamin had his first banana.

Savannah gets to wear pink on Tuesdays in October because her school is having a fundraiser to help find a cure for cancer.

I saw somewhere that people were posting these "hope and change" stickers. But I never actually saw one in real life. Now I have. It was underwhelming.

Sophie has been having structured scissors time during Emily's school time. She has done really well and it will keep her occupied for the better part of half an hour.

Emily and Sophie had a picnic on the porch one day.

I turned around to see Sophie like this. I was less then thrilled....

Savannah has today off from school, yay Columbus day, and I had promised to take her to the Zoo. However, I'm stuck at home waiting on the airport to deliver Brian's missing suitcase... sad for me, but he needs the suitcase. So at home I stay. It was supposed to be here no later then 1:00. What do you wanna bet it doesn't show up by then?

The day is not wasted, however, there has been happy wii playing, much needed cleaning and laundry done. So it really is all good.

And I'm not calling them wii cheaters, but the possibility is there...

At least they are playing nicely, right?

And, the best thing of all, no matter wonderful or disappointing this day will be, at the end of the day, Brian will come through the front door.

And that is Awesome.