Monday, October 8, 2012

The Last Two Weeks

Life gets in the way of blogging, sometimes. 

Emily turned 8 years old. I do not even know how this happened.

MawMaw bought cute nightgowns with matching gowns for their baby dolls. She thought they were so cute that Savannah got a present on Emily's birthday.

We celebrated with dinner with family and then a trip to the Museum of Natural Science.

Brian started a Doctorate Program and he spent two weeks in Portland while I kept life going here at home. It was not as bad as I had thought it was going to be. Except the nights were lonely and filled with terrifying noises for the first week. After that, I was too tired to listen for noises and I just slept.

We stayed busy and our worst days were days where we weren't busy. School, a trip to the Zoo with some new friends, Awanas, school, bathes, dinners, breakfasts, Skype calls with Daddy. We did it. I'm glad its over. And we only have 3 more two week segments before its over. sigh

Benjamin had his first banana.

Savannah gets to wear pink on Tuesdays in October because her school is having a fundraiser to help find a cure for cancer.

I saw somewhere that people were posting these "hope and change" stickers. But I never actually saw one in real life. Now I have. It was underwhelming.

Sophie has been having structured scissors time during Emily's school time. She has done really well and it will keep her occupied for the better part of half an hour.

Emily and Sophie had a picnic on the porch one day.

I turned around to see Sophie like this. I was less then thrilled....

Savannah has today off from school, yay Columbus day, and I had promised to take her to the Zoo. However, I'm stuck at home waiting on the airport to deliver Brian's missing suitcase... sad for me, but he needs the suitcase. So at home I stay. It was supposed to be here no later then 1:00. What do you wanna bet it doesn't show up by then?

The day is not wasted, however, there has been happy wii playing, much needed cleaning and laundry done. So it really is all good.

And I'm not calling them wii cheaters, but the possibility is there...

At least they are playing nicely, right?

And, the best thing of all, no matter wonderful or disappointing this day will be, at the end of the day, Brian will come through the front door.

And that is Awesome. 

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