Friday, August 24, 2012

Quick Takes Friday

Its Friday again!

Earlier this week we visited Sam's Club, Sophie latched onto a zoo animal back pack and was quite content sitting in the cart, holding various items.

    Our next stop was a resale shop to find some jeans for Savannah. She has "School Spirit Fridays" where she can wear the School Spirit shirt and jeans. Last years jeans were too small.  While we were there, we looked at shoes for Sophie. When Sophie rides her bike, she scrapes her toes where her sandals don't protect them, so she needed some tennis shoes.
     After shopping a few moments, I looked at her, and this is what she had put on herself!

    I think I've figured out the magic of the school pick-up line. Go early enough to wait on school property and bring a book. I'd rather do the waiting before Savannah is out of school, then make her sit in the gym and wait while I sit in line. Much nicer and less stressful to go early. Plus, I get to read! We will see if it still work today at the same time, or if others have picked up on this strategy too.

   After dropping Savannah off yesterday, Emily, Sophie, Benjamin and I went to the Just Between Friends sale. Because I have to drop off Savannah so early, we were about 50 minutes early at the sale. So we hung out in the car. Benjamin enjoyed sitting in the driver's seat for awhile.

   This was Emily's find at the sale yesterday. Nerf guns are expensive, so I was as excited as she was. This is the Mac-Daddy of all our nerf guns and Emily sabotaged everyone in our family last night, although it seemed to me she went a little too easy on Brian.

     I have a love-hate relationship with our new schedule.
The hate:  We have to get up so, so early. No one is adjusted to this schedule yet. We eat breakfast and lunch early. Sophie has to take a nap earlier because we leave the house to pick Savannah up. Some days, she hasn't even gotten a nap. We put the kids to bed at 8 and they go right to sleep - that should probably be in the love section - but then both nights, Brian and I have crashed at 9:30, crazy early for us. Which means, we don't spend as much time together as we used to.
The love: When I drop Savannah off at about 7:50, breakfast is eaten, everyone is dressed and ready for the day. We can run errands or just go home, but it will still be early. We went to Wal-Mart and Sam's this morning and were home by 10:00 with all errands finished for the day. When I start school with Emily, this is going to be a huge love, because I will have started my day early and we will have time for school.

     Thank God its Friday! There will be pizza for dinner and no alarms in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Sophie and Benjamin are SOOOO cute!! Sophie still looks like she could be Caelan's brother, I think...the shoe choice was boot, one it! The grocery store pic was cute...Caelan does the same thing...he's happy as long as he can hold stuff.
