Monday, May 9, 2011

Beach: Playing at the Beach!

This is the view from the far edge of the pier looking back towards the beach and our hotel. 

 Sophie did not like to feel the sand on her feet. We set her down and walked toward the water and she fussed at us to come back and get her. Try as we might, she would not walk in the sand.

 Emily and Savannah had a great time playing in the water, digging in the sand and creating a rock collection.

When we first arrived at the beach on this morning, we were the only people there. After Sophie had expressed her dislike of the sand and the water, we took her back to the hotel and put her down for a nap. Brian stayed in with her (he dislikes lying in the sun and the water was too cold for him to enjoy swimming) and I stayed on the beach with the girls.

About 30 minutes later, the beach began filling up with Egyptian young people, seemed to be in their early twenties. They were cute. It was fun to watch them in a different environment than I have been able to see them before.

It was fun to watch the girls play in the water stand next to the water and giggle about it touching their toes. Some were wearing long skirts that they lifted about an inch before letting the water touch the hems. Some wore blue jeans and just splashed along on the edge. Some wore cute little swim dresses with leggings underneath and a long sleeved, spandex type top and dove right in the water. But all stayed covered from head scarf to wrists to ankles. 

However, no matter that my swim suit would be considered conservative, bordering on "frumpy-mom-wear" in the States, compared to all the women who were covered from head to toe, I was the most immodestly dressed woman on the beach.

It was uncomfortable, to say the least.

But I didn't want to just run and hide because my girls were having a good time playing in the water and on the sand and I don't get to go to the beach every day. I didn't come to the beach to sit in the hotel room!

I stuck it out for another 30 minutes, before I threw in the towel and we went in for lunch.

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