Thursday, June 2, 2011

The One Where I Drive a Car

I usually let Brian drive. I'll admit it, I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to the roads here. They regulate speed with pot holes and use a braille-like system with honking instead of traffic lights and lines on the road.

 (photo courtesy of Google images - apparently, I don't take pictures of traffic)

The real reason? I don't parallel park. I learned to drive in Texas. No one has to parallel park in Texas! But with my errands, I potentially had to parallel park at least 4 times. 

But. Today was the day to face my fears, put my big girl panties on and do it.

I loaded the girls up and Emily pipes up, "Don't forget to put the mirrors out and put the windshield wiper down!" So, good show of confidence from Emily.

Down the first street and around the corner and I started feeling excited about actually driving again:
"Oh girls, I have missed driving!"
Emily: "Mommy, you are doing good. I didn't know you could drive." 
Me: "Well, honey, I used to do it all the time in America! Remember?"

I got really lucky at all my places and didn't have to parallel park until I got home. I did it on the second try. Sort of. There was much backing too and fro.

I had Emily get out and tell me how much room I had behind me. She was awesome.

And most of the neighbors came out to watch. The woman who was parking her car on the other side, got out and leaned against her car with her arms folded just to watch.

But Emily was a good coach. And we did it. 

And maybe, we will do it again someday.


  1. What a hilarious story! You had me chuckling! I could SO picture this!

  2. Just remember, the horn is more important than the brake
