Friday, August 12, 2011

Quick Takes (vol. 3)

One: Cabbage Soup Revisited
Remember a couple of weeks ago I had this insane urge to cook and devour cabbage soup? Well, I was cleaning out my' fridge last week, when I found the leftovers. Now, don't imagine the leftovers as spoiled, because my 'fridge also doubles as a sneaky, random freezer. At random times, random spots in the 'fridge will freeze whatever it takes a fancy to. So when I opened this tupperware of cabbage soup, it was frozen. But it smelled like.... well, probably however you would imagine cabbage soup to smell. I take it as sign of improvement that I'm horrified that I cooked, ate, enjoyed, and my sweet little family pretended to enjoy cabbage soup.  
Who does that to the people they love? 

Two: Reading with Savannah
Savannah and I have been plugging away at our reading program and this week we began to read our first reader. She was ecstatic until she realized that she had to read it instead of me reading it to her. Most days, we have a few moments of complete meltdown, complete with tears and wails of disbelief that she can read these words, and then we settle down and read it quite well. However, we had a conversation that any of you homeschooling moms or anyone who knows Savannah, can appreciate:

Savannah: "I hate books!"
Me: "You can't hate books! We are a family who loves books!"
Savannah: "Then I am going to pack up everything, run away and change my name!"

Should I end up with any level of sanity, it will be a miracle not unlike Moses parting the Red Sea.

Three: 14 Weeks
(I'm 15 weeks today, but this picture was taken last Friday:)

Four: Genius Baby
Do you see how she is holding the pen? None of my other babies did this at this age... She will hold the pen with her left hand and carefully, carefully, position it in her right hand. Maybe she will be an artist?

Five: The Sound of Music
Today, for the first time ever! I was grateful for the door on the kitchen.

Emily and Savannah are currently headlong into a love affair with The Sound of Music and their father had the crazy idea that we should buy the soundtrack. It was charming the first twenty times. They dance along, imitating the movie as much as they remember. It is so cute to watch.

But today, after they began the soundtrack for the 120th time, I was happy to go to the kitchen, push the door so there was just a little crack so Sophie could get in and out, and listen to something a little less... umm... magical.

Six: Ramadan Kareem!
We are almost halfway through celebrating Ramadan! My little family has been having so much fun with Ramadan this year, that if it weren't for Brian's ban on otlob, I'd be sorry to see it go. I plan on blogging more about our experiences in the next week...

Seven: Confession
Last week I joined In 4 days all she wants me to do is get dressed in the morning and shine my sink. I love a shined sink... but those pesky dirty dishes keep getting in the way of my shine.

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