Monday, July 30, 2012

Fifty Shades Worse

I had never heard of the Fifty Shades Trilogy until posts began popping up in the Christian blogosphere. 

Fifty Shades of Grey is a book. Fiction. A make-believe. A story of an adult man and an adult woman having consensual sex. He likes her. She loves him. He does nothing to her to which she says, "No."

In the grand scheme of the Kingdom, Fifty Shades of Grey does not matter. Read this book, don't read this book, I don't care. But please, care about something that does matter.

Little Girls matter. In our city, the place I call home, innocent, precious little girls are being bought and sold, smuggled over borders and being exploited by men who do not give the promise of a "safe word." Human Trafficking matters. Eighty percent of human trafficking are women and girls. Fifty percent of all people brought across the borders are minors. Non-consensual. Most are forced into prostitution using threats, rape, drugs, safety of family members. Little girls are exploited and suffer life-long physical and psychological damage due to the perverse actions of other human beings. 

Christian women are upset about this book. Should they be? Perhaps. But at the end of the day, people who follow Jesus are called to defend the weak, speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, love those who are not loved.  A book is easier to stand against. A book is safer to stand against. No one gets hurt fighting a book. Words just transition from my computer to your computer. These little girls and women who are sexually abused over and over get hurt. They don't have safe words. They can't say "no" and walk away. They don't know love. They are not safe. 

What if all the women who are safely ensconced in their righteous indignation against a book, would begin using their platforms and readership to fight for the rights of the innocents?

I don't like writing these kinds of posts. I'm just a girl behind a computer. A mom with kids. But this has been simmering within me for the past two weeks. I don't have a readership. I don't have an audience. But this topic won't leave me. It follows me and haunts me.

If you feel led, please check out Not For Sale, an organization dedicated to fighting for little girls all over the world.

Statistics taken from Texas Sex Trafficking Obliteration Project

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